HomeInvestor Relations Shareholder structure

Shareholder structure

Minor shareholders as of date: 1/3/2024
Number of Minor Shareholders (Free float) 3,923
% Minority Shareholding (% Free float) 56.72

Overview of shareholders as of date: 1/3/2024
Total Number of Shareholders 4,164
% shareholding with scripless system 85.12

List of major shareholders
as of March 1, 2024
Rank Shareholder structure No. of Shares % Shares
1 Mr. Veerachart Lohsiri 29,496,237 14.87
2 Mr. Surachai Atsawakaewmongkhon 17,764,231 8.96
3 Mr. Pisuth Lertvilai 7,271,500 3.67
4 Mr. Gavin Tanguthaisak 6,710,166 3.38
5 Ms. Chantana Pandyadilok 6,240,000 3.15
6 Ms. Chanphen Worakittiwong 5,808,696 2.93
7 Ms. Wilawan Panyadilok 5,638,012 2.84
8 Ms. Nantanuch Vilassakdanont 4,814,625 2.43
9 Ms. Tunyanee Chotchintanathat 4,643,990 2.34
10 Mr. Pasin Lertvilai 3,502,600 1.77
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